Know a great non-profit? Recommend it to Hope for New York!
Do you know of a great nonprofit that is serving the poor and marginalized of New York City? Hope for New York is looking for recommendations for new affiliates … and welcome your ideas!
What’s an affiliate? HFNY partners with over 40 local non-profits that are holistically and sustainably serving poor or marginalized populations across the city. We call these amazing partners our “affiliates,” and we seek to strengthen them with volunteers, direct grants,
and training and consulting so that they can continue their amazing work in our city. (Learn more about how we support our affiliates).
If the majority of the answers to the below questions is “yes,” please email [email protected] with the organization’s name, website, leadership, and brief description of the organization.
• Is the organization a 501c3 nonprofit that serves the poor and marginalized in NYC?
• Does the organization and its programs serve the whole person (spiritual, personal, social and economic well-being). If the organization is not faith-based, does the organization allow for faith expression from volunteers?
• Does the organizations have active (and potential growth of) volunteer engagement?
• Would the organization’s leadership value a partnership with HFNY?
• Is the organization/program located in a geographic location that is accessible via public transportation?
We look forward to hearing your recommendations.
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