Give | Holistic generosity
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Redeemer Presbyterian Church of New York City is now a network of five individual churches
For more details about how to give to one of the Redeemer Churches, please use the list below:
Give to Redeemer Downtown
Give to Redeemer East Side
Give to Redeemer East Harlem
Give to Redeemer Lincoln Square
Give to Redeemer West Side
For instructions on how to mail a check to one of the churches, go here: Mail a Check
In May of 2017, Redeemer officially became three smaller, neighborhood-based churches on the East Side, the West Side and Downtown and as God provides, we plan to add more local worship sites in new neighborhoods. On Easter Sunday, April 16, 2017, the West Side launched Redeemer Lincoln Square. In the fall of 2019 Redeemer East Side launched a new East Harlem worship site. Please consider giving generously to the Redeemer family of churches and ministries so that we can continue to support the growing needs of ministering and serving the gospel movement God is growing in neighborhoods across New York City.
What does holistic generosity look like?
The first community of Christians in the book of Acts were radically generous with their possessions — because of their newly found boldness and fearlessness that came out of an assurance in Christ’s love. It was the quality of their generous community that demonstrated and proved the reality that the gospel changes lives.
At Redeemer we want to model a community of Christians who live sacrificial lives of generosity across many fronts. From opening our homes to others to forgiving those who hurt us, generosity takes many forms. Of course, this includes sacrificial giving — stewardship of your finances. Paul was talking about money when he wrote, “Remember this: whoever sows sparingly will also reap sparingly, and whoever sows generously will also reap generously” (2 Corinthians 9:6).
Nevertheless, as you see, financial giving is not the only kind of generosity we need poured out at Redeemer. In fact, for many of us living and working in this busy city, the giving of time to foster new relationships or to serve in a ministry routinely may even be the more challenging form of generosity. Whatever your sacrifices would be in living a more generous life for God and for others, we invite you to consider a holistic approach that includes being generous through service to ministries, through relationships, through hospitality, through the privileges and power we hold, and lastly, through our wealth.
I need help making a gift
If you need help making a year end gift online, via check, stock or donor-advised fund please contact Priscilla Dewing at: (917) 206-1427 or [email protected].
Stories & Resources
- Learn more about stewardship
- Stories of generosity
- Changed Lives: How your gifts make a difference
- Generosity Q&A