How to pray with Hope for New York in 2017
We want to be a people who serve our poor and marginalized neighbors in both word and deed. We put feet to our faith as we tangibly serve the needs of our neighbors, and we also go to the Father on their behalf, presenting their needs to Him in prayer as we seek their welfare.
Please join us in committing to spend time praying earnestly for our neighbors in need this year. Each month our prayers will focus on a specific population in our city. You can learn more at Below is a short month-by-month guide to get you started as you pray for our neighbors throughout the year.
Pray for victims of trafficking
Pray that those who are caught in human or sex trafficking would find safety from their abusers as well as emotional, physical, and spiritual healing.
Pray for the homeless
Pray that all the men, women, and children who have no place to call home would find shelter and access to adequate food and health care.
Pray for the elderly
Pray that neighbors would come alongside to care for and support the needs of seniors suffering from loneliness, poor health, and unsafe living conditions.
Pray for people with disabilities
Pray that schools, churches, and other institutions would support disabled individuals and their families through staff training, accessibility, and collaborative partnerships.
Pray for the formerly incarcerated
Pray that formerly incarcerated men and women would be welcomed back by their communities and afforded job opportunities to support their reintegration.
Pray for immigrants
Pray that immigrant families would be surrounded by encouraging neighbors who would help them find jobs and flourish in this city.
Pray for vulnerable women
Pray that women facing domestic abuse would be brave, know their true value, and find someone to confide in about the dangers they’re facing.
Pray for those seeking free legal aid
Pray that families and individuals in troubling legal situations would get the help they need, all while resting in the Lord, who will bring about justice.
Pray for children and youth
Pray that the youth in our city would experience loving homes where parents and guardians support and encourage them.
Pray for those experiencing addiction
Pray that those struggling with such debilitating diseases as alcoholism and drug addiction would experience liberation and find ultimate satisfaction in Christ.
Pray for the hungry
Pray that individuals who are unable to provide food for themselves or their families would find employment and receive the support they need.
Pray for foster care families
Pray for children in foster families, that their homes would be a safe and loving place, and that they would know the great love of the Father.
Learn to do right; seek justice. Defend the oppressed. Take up the cause of the fatherless; plead the case of the widow.
– Isaiah 1:17
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