This Easter, give to the poor of our city through Hope for New York
At Hope for New York we love hearing stories of Easter resurrection power — stories of Christ bringing transformation and renewal where there was once hopelessness and despair.
Through our 40+ non-profit affiliates throughout the city, Jesus is working to bring life, hope, and healing to our neighbors in need. He’s working through congregants at Redeemer, believers who demonstrate Christ’s love for their neighbors through practical actions of service and generosity. We are so humbled by this!
Every Easter, to celebrate Christ’s resurrection power and remember His love for the poor and vulnerable, Redeemer receives an Easter Sacrificial Offering to strengthen Hope for New York’s work to serve the poor of our city.
Because Hope for New York is a separate 501(c)(3) charitable organization from Redeemer, we greatly depend on individual donors — in fact, only 4% of Hope for New York’s operational budget comes from local churches. The Easter Sacrificial Offering is an opportunity for congregants to give to continue our work to make direct grants, mobilize volunteers, and provide training and consulting to organizations sustainably and holistically serving the poor and marginalized of our city.
Would you prayerfully consider giving to Hope for New York this Easter to strengthen work that meets the needs of thousands of poor and marginalized New Yorkers? 100% of your gifts will help support various NYC populations, including at-risk youth, low-income families, immigrants, the homeless, and the elderly.
• You can donate online at
• You can also give during your Easter Sunday service or by sending checks (payable to “Hope for New York”) to Hope for New York, 1166 Avenue of the Americas, Suite 1610, New York, NY, 10036.
• In addition, you can incorporate generosity into your daily life, throughout the year, with The Hope Exchange, HFNY’s committed monthly giving program. Learn more at
Please pray that our congregation would give generously, motivated by the joy of what God has done. Please also prayerfully consider a sacrificial donation for the poor of our city.
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