A World Made New: The Art of Resurrection and the Resurrection of Art
“In Christ, all that is ugly and subversive in the cosmos has been purified, beautified and fulfilled. Therein lies the promise for the transformation of all things.” – Jeremy Begbie, ‘Voicing Creation’s Praise’
Our next Gospel & Culture speaker, Dr. Jeremy Begbie, teaches theology at Duke Divinity School and is the founder and director of Duke Initiatives in Theology and the Arts (DITA). DITA’s mission not only seeks to demonstrate how theology can contribute to the arts, but also explores how the arts can contribute to theology.
A skilled pianist and gifted communicator, Dr. Begbie will demonstrate through performance and lecture how the arts can convey the transformative hope that Christ’s death and resurrection ushered into the world. While he speaks specifically about the arts, his presentation is applicable to how we think of all work in light of Christ’s renewing action in the world.
God’s faithfulness and love for his creation found its highest commitment through Christ’s death, which then brought the promise of peace for our chaotic world. What does this mean for artists? How should this good news affect our art? Our work? Our callings? Christ’s resurrection signals the ultimate transformation of all things. This movement of grace rouses artists into redemptive action—to create beauty and give purpose to that which is broken. This high call extends not only to the arts, but to all spheres of culture. How can each of us in our respective roles seek to participate in the work Christ began in making all things new?
Please join us to reawaken this call to the priesthood of all believers so that we might distinctively engage in cultural renewal in light of the resurrection on Saturday, March 10 at 7:00PM at the W83 Ministry Center, 150 W. 83rd St.
Free tickets for concert and lecture must be reserved online at www.faithandwork.org/gospel &culture.
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