2016 Vacation Bible School: Cave Quest

The week of July 11-15, the W83 Ministry Center was filled with the sound of 292 children singing, dancing and worshiping during Redeemer's annual Vacation Bible School (VBS). This year’s VBS theme took kids on a journey underground: “Cave Quest: Following Jesus the light of the World.” The children explored how in our darkest times Jesus gives us hope, courage and powerful life changing love. Through crafts, songs, skits, immersive Bible lessons, and small group discussions, they focused on seeking Jesus, our light, when the world is often filled with darkness.

Every summer the week of VBS reminds me why each of us who make up our Children's ministry staff and volunteer teams dedicate ourselves to teaching the next generation of New Yorkers the amazing things God has done. To hear an auditorium full of children reciting John 8:12, “Jesus said I am the light of the world, whoever follows me will never walk in darkness, but will have the light of life,” with excitement brings joy to my heart. Watching the children search through the Bible to learn about the hope they have in Jesus and watching them place their thumbprints (in red) on the cross as a reminder of Jesus’ sacrificial love brings tears to my eyes. Witnessing them fall in love with our savior brings me to my knees with gratitude to our Father.

It’s an amazing week that could not happen without the hard work and dedication of a huge team of volunteers. This year we had over 270 volunteers working to decorate, teach, lead small groups, prepare snacks, set up crafts, and even serve pizza and popsicles at the Friday night family “Cave Rave.” It takes all three congregations working together seamlessly, and a whole lot of prayer, for the week to happen. Thank you to everyone who joined the quest for this week. You were a beautiful reflection of Jesus’ light for the next generation.

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