Zero Tolerance
Grace & Race Statement on “Zero Tolerance”
As the Redeemer family of churches finishes a month-long sermon series on what the Christian community embodies—sacrifice, healing, and hope—it is necessary to lift our voices in defense of the weak and vulnerable, especially children. While secular governments are free to decide their policies regarding immigration, the Grace & Race Ministry denounces the practice of forcibly separating children from their parents when crossing the border into the United States of America as immoral and inhumane.
Furthermore, we oppose any use of God’s Word to defend such actions. While we affirm appropriate submission to the governing authorities and the keeping of civil order (Romans 13:1-7), these cannot be taken out of context or considered outside of the totality of Scripture, which clearly teaches that the greatest commandment and the purpose of God's laws are to love God and our neighbor (Matthew 22:36-40, Romans 13:9-10). From the Old Testament to the New Testament, the Bible commands its people to pursue neighborly love that never seeks revenge and does not hold grudges, but rather seeks the good of both the foreigner and the native-born (Leviticus 19:18, 33).
May Christ-like sacrifice, healing, and hope be present in our communities as we seek to see God’s kingdom come to this city, country, and world. As our nation’s leaders continue to discern what steps to take, we pray for their wisdom and clarity while we also pray for the families and children who are suffering trauma because of this policy.
Grace & Race is a ministry of the Redeemer Family of Churches