Redeemer's 25th anniversary hardcover book is available for order

25th Anniversary Hardbound Book (13” X 13”)

In 1989 a small group of people set out to start a gospel centered church in New York City. Redeemer was born out of the idea that we are more sinful than we can imagine, but more loved than we ever dared hope. Redeemer’s history is rich with stories of people who have experienced gospel transformation. As we look back at the work God has started through Redeemer we look forward with great hope for what he will do in and through the people of Redeemer in the years ahead.

This full color book features some of the history of Redeemer's first 25 years of ministry in NYC as well as photography and highlights from the 25th Anniversary weekend. You can preview a PDF of the book below.

If you would like to order a book the cost is $40 plus $5.00 for shipping & handling. Please allow two to three weeks to receive shipment. There is no mark up on the print costs and all money received will go to pay for supplies, production and postage.

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Articles in this Issue

The Bible and same sex relationships: A review article
Tim Keller
Highlights from our May 9, 2015 Congregational Meeting
CFW Start-Up Pitch Night