2015 Redeemer-wide census to be taken April 19

In 2004 Redeemer began the exercise of taking a regular census of worship attenders after all services on one Sunday in April. Since that initial census, we have conducted it biennially in April since 2007. The level of participation in the census has always been substantial, with between 2800 and 3300 participating each time. From the comparative data from those censuses, there are some interesting observations about worship attenders and members. Here are a few examples:

  • We have grown a little older as the average age of Redeemer attendees has gone up from 32 in 2004 to 36 in 2013.
  • The percentage of those who are single has dropped from 65% in 2004 to 54% in 2013.
  • Historically the top five vocations of attenders at Redeemer are: 1) finance/banking, 2) healthcare, 3) the arts, 4) education and 5) law
  • The number of people who participate in a Community Groups have more than doubled since 2004 and 73% of all Redeemer members lead or attend a group.
  • Members volunteer two to three times more than other attenders.
  • At the very least 4-6% of those attending a worship service do not identify as Christian. That means there are approximately 200-300 people attending worship every Sunday who are nonChristians.

As we move forward with our vision to serve more of the city, gathering and studying this information is extremely helpful. So if you are in attendance at one of our worship services on April 19, please take the time to participate in this year’s census. The information we receive helps us better understand who is attending Redeemer and how those in attendance are engaging with our initiatives, programs and events.

Alternatively, you may fill out the survey if you receive it by email, if you are a regular attendee and do not receive an email survey form, please check with the Redeemer office that we have your current contact information.

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Articles in this Issue

When hope and history rhyme
Tim Keller
Easter Sacrificial Offering
“New Birth” stories
Creativity, Critique and Community
Peter Kong