Compassion in Action: HFNY Distributes $1.3 Million in Grants

Hope for New York’s (HFNY) vision is for a city in which all New Yorkers — every individual, family, neighborhood, and community — flourish through the demonstration of Christ’s love through practical acts of compassion.

As Christians, we know that our response to the brokenness and pain we see all around us in New York City should mirror that of Jesus: compassion. Compassion for our fellow human beings, created in the image of Christ, loved by our Creator.

At HFNY, we mobilize volunteers to demonstrate practical compassion every day of the week throughout the City. Through the sacrificial generosity of our donors, we’re also able to demonstrate practical compassion through financial grants.

This spring, we were able to invest over $1.3 million to strengthen the work of our non-profit affiliates across the city, from the Bronx to Bushwick, from Long Island City to Chelsea.

That’s $1.3 million to these amazing organizations directly serving poor or marginalized populations, including the homeless, at-risk youth, immigrants, vulnerable women, and others.

Specifically, this year’s grants will meet practical needs including:

• Emergency food supplies for food pantries

• Computers for job training classes

• Sports equipment for youth programs

• Enrichment field trips and college visits for mentoring programs

We also distributed “matching grants” to eight of our affiliates in an effort to encourage new and increased donations to support their work. We are working and praying with these organizations as they seek to fulfill those matching amounts.

We’re so thankful for the generosity of so many that makes serving and investing in the flourishing of NYC possible. Please pray for us as we continue to partner with our affiliate non-profits to strengthen and support their work throughout the year, and please pray for our affiliate organizations, that God would provide all that they need to continue their work of loving and serving the poor and marginalized of our city.

To learn more about HFNYs grantmaking process, visit

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