Discover Life According to Jesus in 321

January 14, 2025 from 7:00 pm - 8:30 pm

As 2025 begins, you may be asking: “Is this the year my dreams will come true?” “Will I ever be able to find fulfillment and purpose in this life?” “Are we alone in the universe?” “Is there a God?”

Join us for four Tuesday nights - starting January 14 - as we share a meal and Discover Life According to Jesus in 321. Everyone is welcome no matter what your background or your beliefs. We will explore our questions and examine our doubts as we watch short video presentations about the first century biography of Jesus written by one of his closest followers.

Week 1: Introduction
Week 2: God’s Three-ness
Week 3: The World’s Two-ness
Week 4: Your One-ness

Feel free to bring your questions about faith and life and invite your friends to bring their questions too. Participants receive a book and share dinner together each week as part of the group. In addition, this group will allow for hybrid participants to join via Zoom. We hope to see you there.

150 E 91 St., Room 504

Rich McCaskill

Contact Email:
[email protected]